English, asked by GuruPawar5353, 1 year ago

?Read the passage carefully & complete the following activities.

Passage-- Rich people of the 19th century - as shown in cinema - spent their evenings in lounges and salons, dancing leisurely, blowing smoke rings, discussing arcane philosophical topics, or romancing well-dressed demure ladies. To be rich was to have leisure time. Others did their running around today, the rich man is the one with no time at all. Always hard-pressed and pre-occupied. Not only do they have their hands full, they make quite a show of it. Why? how did 'busyness' become the ultimate status-symbol of our times?....

?Complete the web.

blowing__ Rich people discussing__
of the 19th
century spent
their evenings.
romancing__ dancing__


Answered by mani762

blowing smoke rings. rich people are discussing arcane philosophical topics of the 19th century spent their evenings. romancing well dressed demure ladies dancing leisurely

mani762: If you are satisfied with answer please mark it as brainliest
mani762: please
GuruPawar5353: u not having to mark as brainliest to you
mani762: what do you mean by that?
GuruPawar5353: nothing
GuruPawar5353: bye
mani762: please mark it as the brainliest
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