Read the passage carefully.
The term "environmental refugee" was coined for the first time by the United Nations in mid 1980s to describe the
people forced to leave their land on account of the fact that it could no longer support them. In recent years, the
environmental havoc and natural catastrophes have been forcing a large number of people to move away from
their "homes and hearths" to new pastures. They are known as the environmental refugees.
These refugees can no longer gain a secured livelihood in their homelands because of drought, soil erosion,
desertification, deforestation or climate change, coupled with associated problems of population pressure and
acute poverty. In their desperation, these people feel they have no alternative but to seek asylum elsewhere,
however hazardous the attempt may be. Though not all of them flee their countries, many of them are internally
displaced in their own countries.
In 1995, these people totaled about 25 million, compared with 27 million traditional refugees. Traditional refugees
are people fleeing because of political oppression, religious persecution or ethnic troubles. The environmental
refugees more than doubled by 2015. Moreover, it could increase steadily for a good while; thereafter, the
growing numbers of impoverished people will press even harder on the over-loaded environment of the place they
migrate to. When global warming takes hold, there could be as many as 200 million people overtaken by
disruptions of monsoon systems and other rainfall regimes, by droughts of unprecedented severity and duration,
and by sea-level rise and coastal flooding.
Many indigenous communities in India, who have been uprooted from their "traditional forest homes", have ended up
as "environmental refugees". Even millions of those displaced by the 'mining projects' and 'hydroelectric
schemes' in various parts of India could be included in the category of "environmental refugees". But, then, as
Norman Myers says, the environmental refugees are difficult to identify because most of them are "refugees
within their own countries". Probably, the most important point here is that emphasis has to be placed on what has
come to be known as sustainable development. Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This applies
notably to reliable access to food, water, energy, health and other basic human needs, the lack of which is behind
many environmental refugees' need to migrate. On the whole, sustainable development represents a sound way to
preemptively counteract the environmental refugee issue, in its full scope, in the long run. As a prime mode to
tackle the issue, then, there would be a handsome payoff on investment, made to foster sustainable development in
developing countries through greater policy emphasis on environmental safeguards, together with efforts to stem
associated problems, such as poverty, population and landlessness.
On the basis of your reading of the passage given above, answer the following questions: (1x8=8)
(a) Which word in the passage means, 'to be maintained at a certain level'?
(i) Feasible (ii) Sustainable (iii) Imperishable (iv) Continual
(b) Which word in the passage means 'one who takes shelter'?
(i) Castaway (ii) Immigrant (iii) Emigrant (iv) Refugee
(c) Which of the following is an effect of global warming?
(i) Drought (ii) Sea level rise (iii) Coastal flooding (iv) All of these
(d) Which word in a passage has been used to signify a huge disaster?
(i) Cataclysm (ii) Calamity (iii) Catastrophe (iv) Apocalypse
(e) Traditional refugees leave their place of origin because of non-political reasons, which include _______
(i) political oppression (ii) religious persecution (iii) ethnic troubles (iv) All of these
(f) __________________ refugees are difficult to identify because most of them are refugees within their own
(i) Environmental (ii) Political (iii) Traditional (iv) All of these
(g) ___________ will help develop countries in a way which can lay emphasis on environmental safeguards.
(h) Sustainable development means fulfilling the present needs without hindering the fulfillment of the needs of
future generations. (True/False)
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