English, asked by sarojaninishad1, 4 months ago

Read the passage given below: (5 marks)

then a practical end must be assigned toa University course, Isay it is that of training

go0d members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world.

t neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, not creates heroes

orinspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius fall under no art: heroic minds come

under no rule ; a University is not a birthplace of poets, of immortal authors, of founders

of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. Nor is it content, on the other hand, with forming the critics orthe experimentalist, the economist, or the engineer, though Such, too, it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgements, a truth in developing them, and a force in urging them. Itteaches him to see things as they are, to go right what to the point, and to discard is irrelevant. It prepares him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.

of mind,

It shows him to accommodate himself to others, how to throw himself into their state how to bring before them his own, how to bear with them. He is at home in society, he has any common ground with every class; he knows when to speak and when to be silent; he is able to listen, he is a pleasant companion and comrade you can upon; he knows when depend to be serious and when to

him to trifle, and he has a sure tact which enables trifle with

a man all gracefulness and to be serious with effect. The art which tends to make this is in the object which it

health. pursues as useful as the art of wealth or the art of

Now read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate

1. The practical aim of a university course is

(a) to train good members of society (b) to criticise the society (c) to abolish social rites (d) to develop social taboos

2. A university training aims at

(a) developing communication skills (b) criticising good member of society (c) harnessing latent talent

3. A university education must make

(a) us fit for the world

(c) us arrangement

(draising the intellectual level of the society

(b) us terrorists

(o) us in human. AA really educated man knows when to_

(b) shout

(d) none of the above

(a) fight

(c) speak and when to be silent

5, To throw away as useless' means

(a) training

(c) cultivate

(b) discard

(a) using​


Answered by Anonymous


Read the passage given below: (5 marks)

then a practical end must be assigned toa University course, Isay it is that of training

go0d members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world.

t neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, not creates heroes

orinspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius fall under no art: heroic minds come

under no rule ; a University is not a birthplace of poets, of immortal authors, of founders

of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. Nor is it content, on the other hand, with forming the critics orthe experimentalist, the economist, or the engineer, though Such, too, it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgements, a truth in developing them, and a force in urging them. Itteaches him to see things as they are, to go right what to the point, and to discard is irrelevant. It prepares him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.

of mind,

It shows him to accommodate himself to others, how to throw himself into their state how to bring before them his own, how to bear with them. He is at home in society, he has any common ground with every class; he knows when to speak and when to be silent; he is able to listen, he is a pleasant companion and comrade you can upon; he knows when depend to be serious and when to

him to trifle, and he has a sure tact which enables trifle with

a man all gracefulness and to be serious with effect. The art which tends to make this is in the object which it

health. pursues as useful as the art of wealth or the art of

Now read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate

1. The practical aim of a university course is

(a) to train good members of society (b) to criticise the society (c) to abolish social rites (d) to develop social taboos

2. A university training aims at

(a) developing communication skills (b) criticising good member of society (c) harnessing latent talent

3. A university education must make

(a) us fit for the world

(c) us arrangement

(draising the intellectual level of the society

(b) us terrorists

(o) us in human. AA really educated man knows when to_

(b) shout

(d) none of the above

(a) fight

(c) speak and when to be silent

5, To throw away as useless' means

(a) training

(c) cultivate

(b) discard

(a) using

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