English, asked by PRINCE2144V, 7 months ago

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

It is an old saying that knowledge is power. Education is an instrument which imparts knowledge and, therefore, indirectly controls power. Therefore, ever since the dawn of civilization persons in power have always tried to supervise or control education. It has been the hand-maid of the ruling class. During the Christian era, the ecclesiastics controlled the institution of education and diffused among the people the gospel of the Bible and religious teachings. These gospels and teachings were no other than a philosophy for the maintenance of the existing society. It taught the poor man to be meek and to earn his bread with the sweat of his brow, while the priests and the landlords lived in luxury and fought duels for the slightest offence. During the Renaissance, education passed more from the clutches of the priest into the hand of the prince. In other words, it became more secular. It was also due to the growth of the nation-state and powerful monarchs who united the country under their rule. Thus, under the control of the monarch, education began to devise and preach the infallibility of its masters, the monarch or king.

What does the expression ‘hand-maid of the ruling class’ mean?
(a) Secret officers of the prince
(b) Something fully under the control of the ruling class
(c) Servants of the prince
(d) The symbol of authority of the prince


Answered by jefferson7

What does the expression ‘hand-maid of the ruling class’ mean?

(a) Secret officers of the prince

(b) Something fully under the control of the ruling class

(c) Servants of the prince

(d) The symbol of authority of the prince


The hand maid of the ruling classmeans that it is something fully under the control of the ruling class.

. Education is an instrument which imparts knowledge and, therefore, indirectly controls power.

Therefore, ever since the dawn of civilization persons in power have always tried to supervise or control education. It has been the hand-maid of the ruling class.

The rulers in society have always sought to control education.

Answered by as8153759


education during Renaissance was

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