Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:<br /><br />Eagles are birds of prey. The Tawny Eagle is a large bird of prey which is about 62 to <br /><br />72 cm in length and has a wingspan of 165-185 cm. It usually weighs 1.6 to 2.4 kg. Like all other<br /><br />Eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae.<br /><br />It mostly breeds in many parts of Africa, both north and south of Sahara Desert and <br /><br />across the tropical region from south-western Asia to India. It lays one to three eggs in a stick <br /><br />nest in a tree, crag or on the ground. Throughout its range, it favours open dry habitats like <br /><br />semi-desert, desert, steppes or savannah plains.<br /><br />These eagles are large with tawny upper parts and blackish flight feathers and tail <br /><br />whereas the lower back is very pale. When compared to the Steppe Eagle, this species is paler <br /><br />and smaller. The call of the Tawny eagle is a crow-like barking, though it is a silent bird most of <br /><br />the time. It eats largely fresh carrion of all kinds. It also kills small mammals like rabbits, <br /><br />reptiles and birds as big as a guineafowl.<br /><br />I. Find antonyms of the given words from the above passage:<br /><br />a. Few -<br /><br />b. Small -<br /><br />c. Bright -<br /><br />d. noisy –<br /><br />
[tex]Eagles are birds of prey. The Tawny eagle is a large bird of prey. Which is
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ about 62 to 72 cm of length and has a wingspan of 165 to 185 cm. It usually
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ weighs 1.6 to 2.4 kg. Like all other eagles it belongs the family of Accipitride.
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ It mostly breed on many parts of Africa, both north and south of Sahara
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ desert and across the tropical region from South-Western Asia to India.
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ Through out its range it favours open dry habitats like semi desert.
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ The call of the Tawny eagle is a crow-like barking. though it is a silent bird
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ most of the time. It eats largely fresh carrion of all kinds. It also kill small
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ mammals like rabbits, reptiles and birds as big as a guinea fowl.
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ Questions:
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ 1.What is the lecrow-like ba Tawny Eagle and how much does the wingspan
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ measure?
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ 2.To which family does the Tawny Eagle belongs?
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ 3.In which regions do the Tawny Eagle mostly breed?
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ 4.Give details of the food habits of these eagle.
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ 5.Find antonyms(opposite) of the .
\ \textless \ br /\ \textgreater \ (i) Few (ii) noisy[/tex]
Answered by
yashraj Madhukar Thorat
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