English, asked by ag3409920, 16 days ago

read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.. date on the pages which were yellow and crinkly and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to- on a screen you know and then when they turned back to the page before it had the same was on it that it had when they read it the first time... questions. . 1) who are they referred to here as? 2) why were they surprised? 3) what kind of books they were studying in their schools? 4) what kind of the pages book had ? 5 ) write the meaning of crinkly. please give me the answers soon as it is very important.​


Answered by priyanshupal622


1) "they" refers to the Margie and his brother Tommy.

2). they were surprised because they had

never seen the books. And they used

with their mechanical teacher.

3). since they were studying with their mechanical teacher, the words in their books moves on screen.

4). the book had yellow and crinkly pages and the words stood still instead of moving.

Answered by souvik589233


Hey would you like to be my Juliet and I'm your Romeo

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