English, asked by deepakpant1974, 7 months ago

Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow :

Career Planning Process must start fairly early in life, whilst you are still in school. This

planning should begin by charting out the stages of your career path. These steps would

include self assessment, research, decision making before applying for or accepting a


Self assessment is a very vital step in career planning but sadly it is often overlooked. If

you can understand what kind of a person you are and know your strengths and

weaknesses you can match your suitability for a particular kind of work or profession. It

will be good if you can make a careful inventory of your current career values, interests,

skills and personal qualities.

A career counselor can play an important part in helping you in the process through

counseling, exercises, interest and personality inventories. Once you have discovered

your own area of interest and skills required for a prospective employment, you can

begin your research. This stage involves brainstorming possible options and

investigating them thoroughly. You can learn about the descriptions and qualifications

for positions, satisfaction level, frustrations and other important facts to determine your


Research can be done easily by going through certain online resources to gather

preliminary information. Also, talking to as many people as possibly involved in related

work is very helpful. These people provide you with an insider’s perspective about

realities of the field and the kind of preparation that is needed.

Another very helpful method is to do internship or even part-time jobs during your

vacations to sample a field of interest. Internship provides you with an opportunity to

perform some of the job functions, observe others work and evaluate the environment

and form your own perspective.

The next step is making a decision. Once again, decision making involves evaluation of

the pros and cons for the options you have been researching. It also involves prioritizing

and for some, risk-taking. You must remember that the landscape of the world-of-work

is constantly changing. Therefore, do not aim for any decision based on absolute

certainty. Remain adaptable and have the ability to manage several options at the same

time. Approach the world of work with a positive attitude when faced with uncertainty.

This may be your best mantra in such a situation.

1.1 Complete the following sentences:

i. The best stage to start career planning is ________________________________

ii. We can find out about our own personality traits by____________________
iii. A person who helps someone solve his problems is called _____________

iv. Research can be done easily by _______________________

1.2 Answer the following questions:

i. What important advice does the writer give to a person who has arrived at a final


ii. What is the benefit of doing an internship?

1.3 Find a word in the passage which conveys similar meanings as the following:

i) Exploring ideas ii) Advantages and disadvantages

1.4 Make sentences with : a)constantly b)attitude​


Answered by ashimas0130



I) in school

ii)self assessment

iii) counselor

iv) going through certain online course to gather


Answered by surajsingh25165


what is the benifit of doing an internship

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