English, asked by TbiaSamishta, 11 months ago

Read the passage given below and complete the statements that follow by choosing the most appropriate options from those given.
Some reptiles are expert mimics, but they do it for a serious reason −to save their lives. The harmless milk snake has the banded appearance of the poisonous coral snake. In areas where they live together, this mimicry happens. The non-poisonous Mexican king snake looks like the coral snake, when young. A harmless snake may looklike a poisonous snake. This is Batesian mimicry. So, enemies mistakethe harmless reptile for the poisonous one, and leave it alone. Blindlegless lizards that live under the ground trick the enemies by displaying their tail. The underside of their tails is usually red oryellow in colour, and looks like an open mouth. The enemy attacks the tail, mistaking it for the head. The tail can withst and injury better than the head, and the life of the lizard is saved. When the enemy attacks lizards, they break off their tail. The tail jumps about onthe ground, confusing the enemy, and helps the lizard to make goodits escape.
(a) The milk snake and coral snake resemble in their …...............
(i)drinking of milk
(ii)banded appearance
(iii)poison fangs
(b)'Batesian mimicry' helps the …................ .
(i)reptiles to do mimicry
(ii)harmless reptiles to escape
(iii)poisonous reptiles to escape
(iv)reptiles to sleep
(c)the enemy of the blind legless lizards attacks its ….................mistaking it for ….............. .
(i)tail, head
(ii)head, tail
(iii)tail, mouth
(iv)mouth, red
(d)When the tail of a lizard breaks off, it ….............. .
(i)saves its head from being cut
(ii)excites the lizard
(iii)makes the enemy happy
(iv)confuses its enemy
(e) The red or yellow structure which looks like an open mouth is the…................ .


Answered by Secondman

(a) (ii) ""banded appearance.""

(b) (ii) ""harmless reptiles to escape.""

(c) (i) ""tail""; ""head.""

(d) (iv) ""confuses its enemy.""

(e) (i) ""tail.""

The given passage talks about the appearance of the snacks and lizards and their tactics to escape from enemies.

The snacks and lizards come under the reptile family.

These animals have colourful skin with scales.

Not all the snakes and lizards are poisonous, they looks like dangerous creature to escape from their enemies.

From this passage, we can understand the proverb “All the glitters are not gold”.

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