English, asked by manishasharma5305, 3 months ago

Read the Passage given below to answer the questions that follow:
The prial media which includes newspapers, periodicals and magazines, and the electronie
media wluch includes radio and television and cinema greatly help in the formation of public
opinion Newspapers are probably the most effective and commonly used means to influence
the public opinion News magazines and periodicals also help in Corning public opinion by
pablishing article on major national and international issues,
The media acts as a kind of liaison between the government and the people. It acquaints the
people with the policy and principles of the goverment. At the same time, it reflects the
publie reaction to this policy and thus cnables the government to modify it Simee the mediu
Pires such extensive publicity to the DAVCINCTE of the minsters and other higher ups,
cxenisŠ I uy sosting influentem them lidus nul let them forget that this are in oflice
as the representatives of the people to whom they are finally answerable. Thus, in keeps a
powerful check on the corruption and tytulny of the govemen.
Pertass the most imporlant functital of the malia in a democratie LoVETLeal is lu spread
politial wareICS. Among the public. An average atzen has nother capability, nor the vill.
Dur eten the conc lo contulale and express ONpel Opinions Call Thest of the 1906. She seeks
guidance from the daughpers, magazins, ce she subserbs in The observations she
mals in the circk of her his ligads uith flaual, she has peiliapa kuruwed from da day's
ditonal in his favounte nuwspust ar magte Thus, the meda has a delinte educative
value. The cers of dem Bey de hupon the judiciuSusc=of ac's Fate which is
impossible without poliial education and the medo s the most eflective Surte avulable in
on for this type of cclusalon: This place a uzal reyansibility upon the editor the
Correspondents and the poolessional inicus of newspaper la ſurish us with authentie
ons and impartial views only:
1. State whether the following questions are true or false on the basis of the article above;
1522=10 murs)
1. Newspapers une mal effective in forming public opinion,
2. Media cannot check the corruption and tyranny of the government​


Answered by kmtjsr190


qudho1eiugcwducgwudiugcjswh bqsic6gqeuigcvej1ncv1euvvu2eycqec


please mark me brainliest

hjvjwvjeiug f3kug r3kuvgr3iuc2iycf2guicgue1ckhe2gdyjvecu2gud2gduiedg62ec672efyud22vuyc2egjhc

2mnc2vchid2vyi2egc2iyegcjh2ecg2iuecvi2yevc3rkvbrbuk r3j nre

jwevjh2evuycigy2ciu2ibuc2kjbckj3e2ecjh1uhbjv nem hkech2kebliokihiowkbjcdekugdwguk e2linc32

dkc2lekckh2 eccukewcbkuewoecbuwekjcbdwjkcgdbmnqwdugi1ed782e873ey89dikkdeljewcan dljiwciu.i2euceg2edw6c2kigcgu2ecku2ehukcei2gy heeidl2cb2ehvjc h dljiwciu.i2euceg2edw6c2kigcgu2ecku2ehukcei2gy 72fjk4fugo24ft34f5weyc62e h2ech2eukc e2uie2cbwdciuwecuiwhkwceig2echioewdwqudiwshicoqeu6ffigu2ec wecvwegcweo8bjkweckjgqsiugcfuygc,jwgc2douvhe2kcjbjnqechkqdghqwiugdqwgude2ichi2ecuy

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