English, asked by dasgunjan142, 3 months ago

Read the passage givern below and answer the following:-(Ix10=10)

In ancient times, the Olympics were associated with Greek religious

festivals .Litfe in ancientGreece revolved around their gods. The believed that

the gods were immortal and more powerful than human beings .They

honoured their gods with festivals devoted to sports.

The most important of these festivals were the four national festivals they

were open to sportsmen from all Greek regions and colonies.Each of the

festivals was held at a different place and was celebrated in honour of a

particular god. The olympics ga.mes were held in olympia which was an

important religious center in ancient Greece. A magnificent temple was built

there in honour of the god, Zeus. He was regarded as the ruler of both gods

and men.people tried to please Zeus by excelling in sports and many contests

of all skill and strength were held.

t was believed that the Olympics games were founded by the Greek hero,

Hercules who was known as the son of the God, Zeus. He performed twelve

seemingly tasks to become the greatest of all Greek heroes. Hhe cleaned in a

single day king Augeas' stables which was an imposible task. The king was

fabulously rich and had thousands of animals .so his stables were extremely

dirty and full of stink. Hercules redirected the course of the river, Alpheus

through stables of the king. All the much and dirt were washed out ina

single day To celebrate this achievement he start(ii)authorfiv) goddess.

(b)who is the author of 'A letter to god'?

(i)G.L. Fuentes(i) Nelson Mandela

(ii) Anton Chekov[iv) Vallikkannan

(which word in the passage means 'worried'?

() hailstorm(i) dropped

( roubled iv) placed.

(dsymonyms of stamp in the passage

C) ticket(i) revenue stamp


(eLencho wrote letter to god to_

i) sent money (in) give money

(ir) asked money () demand money

VI.Answer the following questionsin about 30-40 words:-(zx5=10)

() What is the theme of the poem "Dust of snow.

(m) What are the two obligations that Nelson Mandela talked about?

(m)How did young seagull learn to fly?

(iv) What justifcation did Anne gave for her talking habit ?

(MWhat do you mean by 'epistemology of loss'?o) good(i) better

(in)best(iv) bad

() magmificient means


i) splendidfiv)large

( was known as the son of the god zeus.

) Augeas() Greek god

(m) sportsmen(o) Hercules​


Answered by kashishbhandari743


I have it


please help me olso please

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