Read the passage.
Then answer the question below "something is very wrong sa ys the detectie. know seys Ms. Gervis Ris wng that some has solen om ma The detective osksaund Ms Gervi apartmant That is not whtiam takong Whts wrong is that i do not understand how the ter t in and sut Ms. Gervis and the detective stand in silenca. Ms Geres eyes are ulof tears er hands re shin "The ruter did not come theough the window," sas the detectin These windows have not been opened or shut in mos The detective locks at the freplace "The robber did not suee down here The detective was to the front door. He amires the latch "And since there are no marks.or scres the rotter definitaty did not try 6 break the kock "Ihae no idea how he did R says a bothered Ms Gervis isa big mystery "And you say the robber stole ndhing else asks the detective. "No money, no jwiry, no cryta "That's right, detective. He took only what was impotant to me," Ms Gervis says with a sigh There is only one thing I can do now." "And what is that ? the detective asks with surprise will stop baking cakes," Ms. Geris sa. "They are mine to give way. They are not for somene to steat "You can't do that" says the detective with alarm "Who will bake those delicious cakes " am sorry. I do not know," says Ms. Gervis. "I must solve this case immediately" says the detective
Questions )
Where does this story take place?
2) What makes the detective sure that the robber did not come through the window?
3) What else was stolen from the apartment?
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