Read the second stanza again, in which Wordsworth compares the solitary reaper's song with the song of the nightingale and the cuckoo. On the basis of your reading (and your imagination), copy and complete the table below. (Work in groups of four, then have a brief class discussion.)
Place Heard by Impact on listener
Solitary Reaper Scottish Highlands The poet holds him spellbound
Nightingale ---- ----- -----
Cuckoo ----- ----- ------
Place Heard by Impact on listener
Solitary Reaper → Place : Scottish Highlands
Heard by : The poet
Impact on listener : holds him spellbound
NIGHTINGALE → Place : the deserts of Arabia
Heard by : bands of travellers
Impact on listener : pleased and comforted
CUCKOO → Place : the Hebrides
Heard by : one surrounded by the silence of seas
Impact on listener : thrilled and Charmed
Place Heard by Impact on listener
Solitary Reaper → Place : Scottish Highlands
Heard by : The poet
Impact on listener : holds him spellbound
NIGHTINGALE → Place : the deserts of Arabia
Heard by : bands of travellers
Impact on listener : pleased and comforted
CUCKOO → Place : the Hebrides
Heard by : one surrounded by the silence of seas
Impact on listener : thrilled and Charmed