English, asked by vvedanshishah, 10 months ago

Read the stanza and answer the questions:-

He should be lurking in shadow, sliding through long grass Near the water hole Where plump deer pass. He should be snarling around houses At the jungle's edge, Baring his wife fangs, his claws, Terrorising the village!

Questions:- 1) where should the tiger be, according to the poet?
2) what freedom for the tiger is expected by the poet?
3) Explain:- "Terrorising the village! "​


Answered by barsha1137


1. According to the poet the tiger should have been in the forest and not in the zoo. The jungles are is his ideal home and not any cage or bound place.

2. The poet tries to expose the miserable life led by the animals in the zoo. He compares the life of the tiger in the zoo with its life at a natural habitat. The animals have the right to freedom and should not be caged. They should be allowed to run free in the wild.

3. Exclamatory '!' is the figure of this speech.


1. In the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' by George Leslie Norris a wild tiger had been trapped and placed in a cage in a zoo.

Answered by hemantdhaulakhandi


ya you can find it in books

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