English, asked by kamleshbaraiya806, 1 month ago

Read the stanza and answer the questions :
My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,

It will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.

It will be like the faithful star overhead when dark night Is over your road My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes, and will carry your sight into

the heart of things.

And when my voice is silent in death. my song will speak In your living


16. How will the song be ?

17. How will the song help the child's dreams ?
18. What will happen when the child's parents are no more​


Answered by sknasreen953


eThis song of mine will wind its music around you, my child, like the fond arms of love.

The song of mine will touch your forehead like a kiss of blessing.

When you are alone it will sit by your side and

whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowd

it will fence you about with aloofness.

My song will be like a pair of wings to your dreams,

it will transport your heart to the verge of the unknown.

It will be like the faithful star overhead

when dark night is over your road.

My song will sit in the pupils of your eyes,

and will carry your sight into the heart of things.

And when my voice is silenced in death,

my song will speak in your living heart

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