English, asked by pranjaljadhav280, 5 months ago

Read the story and describe the character which you liked the most. ( my character is BEAUTY AND THE BEAST )​


Answered by justinponmalakkunnel

Once upon a time in a land far away a beautiful young princess lived in a shining towering castle. All though the princess had everything her heart desired, the princess was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. One day on a cold, bitter winters night a beggar had arrived at the castle and offered the princess a single rose in return for shelter. The princess repulsed by the beggar's jagged appearance turned the old beggar away. The beggar warned the princess not to be deceived by appearance for beauty comes within. Still the princess turned the beggar away and when she did, the old man’s ugly jagged appearance had washed away only to reveal a handsome young sorcerer. The princess then begged the handsome young sorcerer to forgive her but it had been too late for the sorcerer saw that the princess had no love in her heart. So the sorcerer as a punishment had turned the princess into a hideous beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there. The princess ashamed of her beastly form stayed hidden in her castle. The rose the sorcerer had brought was an enchanted rose that would bloom until her 21st birthday, which in that time she would have to learn to truly love another and earn his love in return before the last pedal falls or else she would stay a beast forever.

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