Social Sciences, asked by lm10fan8, 7 months ago

Read the text given below and answer the following questions.

The official definition of poverty, however, captures only a limited part of

what poverty really means to people. It is about a “minimum” subsistence

level of living rather than a “reasonable” level of living. Many scholars

advocate that we must broaden the concept into human poverty. Worldwide

experience shows that with development, the definition of what constitutes

poverty also changes. Eradication of poverty is always a moving target.

Hopefully we will be able to provide the minimum “necessary” in terms of

only income to all people by the end of the next decade. But the target will

move on for many of the bigger challenges that still remain: providing

health care, education and job security for all, and achieving gender

equality and dignity for the poor. These will be even bigger tasks.Differentiate between official definition of poverty and human poverty.

23.2 What does the world wide experience show about poverty?

23.3 What are the bigger challenges still remain?

23.4 How do we measure poverty?​


Answered by aashashah144938


प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध ने रूसी क्रांति के लिए किस प्रकार आधार तैयार किया गया बोलोरो विकी ने अक्टूबर 1917 में किन-किन बदलाव की घोषणा की अंसर

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