English, asked by jaydenbnyc, 12 days ago

Read this excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and then answer the question that follows:

(1) Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation: conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war … testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated … can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war.

(2) We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate … we cannot consecrate … we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but .

What does President Lincoln clearly state by the line in ?

The world will never think about what happened.
The world will always remember what happened.
The world will always ignore what happened.
The world will likely reject what happened.


Answered by amandahc1987

Answer:The world will always remember what happened.


Answered by Rameshjangid

Answer: The Battle of Gettysburg, a bloody battle that halted Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North, was a turning point in the Civil War.

After the dust settled, more than 7,500 soldiers — over three times the population of Gettysburg itself — lay dead on the battlefield. Authorities decided to turn a section of the battleground into a national cemetery in which to inter and honor the Union dead.

The famed orator and politician Edward Everett was invited to speak at the dedication. Almost as an afterthought, President Lincoln was also invited to offer a few poignant remarks, following Everett's main speech.

On November 19, after Everett delivered a two-hour-long oration, President Lincoln stood and offered his Gettysburg Address, a mere 272 words, which began like this:

Explanation: STEP:1 Keep in mind that, in 1776, the United States was a new kind of country with a different kind of political philosophy. Its formation was known as "the Great Experiment" because it ventured into new ground, and no one knew if such a government could survive. That is the idea Lincoln refers to in this section of the speech: The Civil War was testing whether the United States, which was founded on liberty and equality, could survive. Thus, Lincoln succinctly expressed the magnitude of the Civil War: What was at stake was not simply lives, or money, or government control, but the very foundations upon which the United States was founded.

STEP:2 The most important part. In the first three sentences, Lincoln acknowledges that anything he or anyone else says at this ceremony are just words, and those words are nothing compared to what the soldiers gave during that battle. He and others came to Gettysburg to dedicate the cemetery ground, but Lincoln turns it around, stating that by struggling and spilling blood and dying on that battlefield, the soldiers themselves have already dedicated, hallowed, and consecrated (which all essentially mean "make something sacred or honored") the area.

STEP:3 The most important part. In the first three sentences, Lincoln acknowledges that anything he or anyone else says at this ceremony are just words, and those words are nothing compared to what the soldiers gave during that battle. He and others came to Gettysburg to dedicate the cemetery ground, but Lincoln turns it around, stating that by struggling and spilling blood and dying on that battlefield, the soldiers themselves have already dedicated, hallowed, and consecrated (which all essentially mean "make something sacred or honored") the area.

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