Reading comprehension is very crucial to ascertain your knowledge of the language as well as your reasoning ability. The questions on reading comprehension serve two purposes. First, they check your knowledge of the English language and your understanding of its rules. Secondly, they check your reasoning ability. This section is thus very important for a successful score. Let us
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is very crucial to ascertain your knowledge of the language as well as your reasoning ability. The questions on reading comprehension serve two purposes. First, they check your knowledge of the English language and your understanding of its rules. Secondly, they check your reasoning ability. This section is thus very important for a successful score. Let us see!
Paragraph Fillers
Paragraph Sentence sequence
Paragraph Based Questions
Paragraph Conclusions
Paragraph Restatement
Cloze Test
Reading comprehension is very crucial to ascertain your knowledge of the language as well as your reasoning ability. The questions on reading comprehension serve two purposes. First, they check your knowledge of the English language and your understanding of its rules. Secondly, they check your reasoning ability. This section is thus very important for a successful score. Let usParagraph fillers test the reading comprehension of the candidates. A paragraph of three or more lines is given here. Following the paragraph are four sentences that will either sum up the paragraph or make it meaningful in one way or the other. The sentences summarise or steer the paragraph in a given direction. Let us see with the help of the following sections. The basic thought here is that a paragraph contains one coherent thought.Paragraph Sentence Sequence questions ask the candidate to rearrange a group of sentences to form a coherent paragraph. These sequence questions can be of a few types. Let us try and see some examples and methods to solve these.Paragraph Based questions include questions that ask you to complete, rearrange and present conclusions of a given paragraph. They are part of the reading comprehension section of the banking exams and are very important with respect to the scoring. Normally you will encounter questions that ask you to select an option that sums up or presents the ideas that are in a paragraph. We will see these and many examples in the following sections.
Paragraph conclusions or paragraph inference questions forms a section of the reading comprehension.The main aim of this section is to check your ability to understand and read a given paragraph in a short span of time. These questions will present a paragraph and a set of sentences in the form of options. Out of these options, you will have to select the one that best describes the ideas present in the given paragraph.