English, asked by shabbanaperween, 5 months ago

(reading for me
Live France
French ph
Vive La France
the sentence.
"My friends," he said, my friends, L.L.."
But something suffocated him. He could not finish
What did Frantz expect to see and hear when he entered the classroom? Why was
was to them. How does this realisation dawn on them? What signs do we see of
The students and the elders of Alsace suddenly realised how dear their language
he surprised? What unexpected things met his eyes?
What was the general attitude of the villagers towards the education of children?
Was there a change in the teacher's attitude that day? What was/were the change
How did the teacher dismiss his last class? Why did he do it in such a manner?
Why has the writer given the title, 'The Last Class' to this story? Think of another
Choose the right options to complete these sentences.
The teacher's ruler has been described as 'terrible' because
seemed to me so tall
Answer these questions.
this realisation?
the lesson,
it was very hard.
it was very old and rusted.
it was always getting lost.
hildren who were being naughty.​


Answered by Ꚃhαtαkshi

please ask them one by one for better results

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