English, asked by meghanshi28, 4 months ago

Reading Section 8 Marka
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
1 How often do we exclaim: "That was a mistake!" That bewildered expression of
regret and panic gets replayed through life. Some mistakes we forget, others we don't
The mistakes can be as mundane as forgetting to turn the geyser off or to pick up your
passport from the airport counter
2. Absent mindedness, preoccupation, distraction, carelessness, nervousness
there are umpteen excuses to justify mistakes. However major decisions like relocations
of home or an unwarranted resignation letter can cause much trouble and upheaval and
lead to regrets that leave you sad and depressed. Some mistakes are irreversible then, is
there room for hope?
3 In fact, there are no mistakes, only experiences. There are no problems only
challenges Every experience teaches us something in life. Every mistake inspires
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retrospection and introspection. The experience is humbling and it makes us wiser (i.c.).
if every mistake is regarded as an experience and not as a source of self-pity or self-
condemnation. Many times people are unable to reconcile with change grooved in the
blame culture and rooted in the past, they fail to realise the lifetime benefits they receive
from changes
4 Nature abounds in examples of flexibility and relocation in case of birds and
beasts. Scientific research in the behaviour of birds has confirmed this. Birds, animals
and even nomads, travel miles and miles in search of better food, congenial climate and
safety. These relocations may cause some amount of stress, no doubt, but they are the
sources of survival: helping to group bonding and cooperation, and to explore the beauty
of new space and better environment
5. "To the weak, problems are stumbling blocks, To the brave, they are stepping
stones." An untimely resignation and or termination letter is certainly traumatic and
disturbing. But think of possibilities it can throw open for you. A young man felt
disappointed when he failed in an interview for a corporate job. At that point of time he
felt dejected. Today, looking back he says, "It was a blessing in disguise. I would have
never reached this far". Some mistakes bring in a very important message. Believe and
achieve ! And in order to do so, faith is essential. It is the triple faith that men need today-
faith in oneself, faith in the world around us, and above all faith in God !".
On the basis of your reading of the passage make notes on it, using headings and
sub headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum 4)
and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it 5 marks
Write a summary of the above passage in about 50 words.
3 marks​


Answered by yuvarajbanar


yes because it is the best for 8.30 6th and 6th of the centre and a long way of the following is a lower child of a in the same class 11th century in a year

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