English, asked by egeethanmc, 9 months ago

Reading skills are essential to succeed in society. It is a source of knowledge and pleasure. Write a paragraph on ‘The Importance of Reading’.


Answered by aadil1290


It helps develop the mind and imagination and the creative side of a person. It helps to improve (vocabulary and spelling) communication both written and spoken. It plays an important part in building a good self-image. It is a function that is necessary in today's society..

Answered by Anonymous
Reading skills are essential to succeed in society. Those who are good readers tend to exhibit progressive social skills. A person who is widely read is able to mix with others. He is a better conversationalist then those who do not read.Reading skills are the skills acquired through reading, such as comprehension, fluency, and independence. These skills give people the ability to give clear meaning to the turn words on a page. These skills are important because we read something in some form every day. It is an integral part of modern life.Reading skill refers to the ability to understand written text. It is advisable to develop this skill at early age of schooling. When students comprehend or understand written text, and combine their understanding with prior knowledge, they are able to perform the following three reading-comprehension skills.
1. Identify simple facts presented in written text (literal comprehension)
2. Make judgments about the written text’s content (evaluative comprehension)
3. Connect the text to other written passages and situations (inferential comprehension)
The development of these reading skills is vital to children’s development, and a sheer volume of studies has demonstrated a link between competency in reading and overall attainment in school (literacy attainment and other outcomes). According to OCED’s report on reading for change, program for International Student Assessment (PISA): “Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s educational success than their family’s socioeconomic status.” Besides, there are some other key benefits of engaging children in reading from the early age. This is so because the development of reading is a key to future success both in school and in life. By supporting children to read in their leisure time at every age, parents can help to ensure that children are equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in later life.There are a number of books available on the subject of reading and reading skills development. On my own list of papers uploaded to Research Gate, there are a few papers on this subject.It needs to be stated that it is a fertile area for research as there are few broadly accepted ideas available and standardised surveys and related tests are also few.
Personally, I regard comprehension as number 5 on the list of basic language skills, i.e. reading, writing, listening, speaking and comprehension. I say this as I have found that many learners may be able to read with some degree of proficiency but are still unable to understand what they are reading. Remedial teachers sometimes have to deal with learners who can speak and read with apparent fluency, but are struggling at school as they have little meaningful understanding of what they are expected to do in school.
I wish you the best of luck in this project and hope that you may share the result of your study with us.Reading is extremely important for each one young to adult as like reading is the key of every door in the real world. It is important for young to be motivated to readIt has cognitive effect
Having strong reading comprehension skills is also necessary for passing academic achievement tests and for being able to read effectively for one's career. reading allows the reader to make sense of what the text is about. Strategic reading methods can help students achieve not only their academic needs, but more importantly their life goalsReading skills is the ability of an individual to read, comprehend and interpret written words on a page of an article or any other reading material. The possession of a good reading skill will enable the individual to be able to assimilate a written work within a short period while reading. If an individual develops a reading skill, it is a lifelong activity. And while reading at any given time the individual is expected to also think critically on the particular topic or subject to understand the point of the writer. Reading skill can only be developed through constant reading. Inculcating reading culture or habit is a hobby.
Please mark as brainliest answer and follow me please and thank me please Because I am a very good boy...

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