English, asked by sunilcivil1981, 11 months ago

Q. A1. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions given below:
(1) In the democratic countries, Intelligence is still free to ask whatever question it chooses. This freedom, it is almost certain will not survive another war. Educationists should, therefore, do all they can while there is yet time to built up in the minds of their charges, a habit of resistance to suggestion. If such resistance is not built up, the men and women of the next generation will be at the mercy of that skillful propagandist who contrives to seize the instruments of information and persuasion. Resistance to suggestion can be built up in two ways. First, children can be taught to rely on their own internal resources and not to depend on incessant stimulation from without. This is doubly important. Reliance on external stimulation is bad for the character. Moreover, such stimulation is the stuff with which propagandists bait their books, the jam in which dictators counsel their ideological pills. An individual relies on external stimulation thereby exposes himself to the full force of whatever propaganda is being made in his neighbourhood. For a majority of people in the west, purposeless reading, purposeless listening in, purposeless listening to radios, purposeless looking at films have become addiction, psychological equivalents of alcoholism and morphinism. Things have come to such a pitch that there are many millions of men and women who suffer real distress if they are cut—off for a few days or even for few hours from newspapers, radio and music or movie pictures. Like a addict to the drug, they have to Indulge their vice not because of their indulgence gives them any real pleasure but because, unless they indulge they feel painful subnormal and incomplete. Even by intelligent people, it is not taken for granted that such psychological addiction are Inevitable and even desirable, that there is nothing to be alarmed at in that fact that the majority of civilized men and women are now incapable of living on their own spiritual resources, but have become exactly dependent on incessant stimulation from without.
(2) How can the children be taught to rely upon their own spiritual resources and resist the temptation to become reading addicts, hearing addicts, seeing addicts? First of all they can be taught how to entertain themselves, by making things themselves, by playing musical instruments, by purposeful study, by scientific observation and by the practice of some art and so on. But such education of the hand and the intellect is not enough. Psychology has its Gresham’s law, it is: that bad money that derives out the good. Most people tend to perform the actions that require least efforts, to think the taught that are easiest to fill, the emotions that are most vulgarly commonplace, to give rein to the desires that are most nearly animal and they will tend to do this even if they possess the knowledge and skill to do otherwise. Along with the necessary knowledge and skill must be given the will to use them even under the pressure of incessant temptation to take the line of least resistance and become an addict -to psychological drugs. Most people will not wish to resist these temptations unless they have a coherent philosophy of life, which makes it reasonable and right for them to do so. The other method of heightening resistance to suggestion is purely intellectual and consists in training young people to subject the diverse devices of the propagandists to critical analysis. The first thing hat educators must do is to analyze the words currently used in newspapers, on platforms by preachers and broadcasters. Their critical analysis and constructive criticism should reach out to the children and the youth, with such clarity that they learn to react to forceful suggestions to right way at the right time.
(3) What, for example, does the word ‘nation’ mean? To what extent are speakers and writers justified in talking of a nation as a person? In what sense can a nation be described as having a will or national interest? Are these Interests and will the interest and will of the entire population? Is not only advisable but also essential to think in terms of all the above details so that meaningful progress is promoted, thus making democracy thrive better? (Around 705 words)

(a)On the basis of your reading of the given passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations whatever necessary (minimum 4). Supply appropiate title to it.

(b)Write summary of the given passage in 80-100 words.

You can Google it whatever you do please answer in appropiate way.


Answered by Anonymous


Title- Advantages and Disadvantages of Collecting

Abbreviations used-

dlghtfl- delightful, ppl- people, cn- can, senti- sentimental, frnd- friend,

trvlng- travelling


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