Rearrange :is a /India / popular / in / wrestling / sport
Talented /full of /our /country/wrestlers/is
Potential /utilized /have /their /we/not fully
More important /academic /in schools /are considered /subjects /to be
Take initiative/this/to boost/should/sport/government
Answered by
1 ) wrestling is a popular sport in India
2) our country is full of talented wrestlers
3) we have not fully utilized their potential
4 ) subjects are considered to be more important academic in schools
5 ) govt. should take initiative to boost this sport
hey mate hope this will help u but i m not sure about my answers as i didn t get set 3 i got set 1 so these are the answers which i have expected .
plz mark brainliest
Answered by
2. we have not fully utilized their potential
4. government should take initiative to boost this sport
3. In School subjects are considered to be more important academic
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