reason for extinction of gharial a short notel
Threat of Extinction
India's special crocodilian Gharialpopulation is the biggest concern for the wildlife lovers, Due to the river pollution, loss of riverine habitat and fishing gill nets, the Gharial came to the brink ofextinction and fall in the criticallyendangered category.
Indian special crocodilian Gharial population is the biggest concern for the wild life lovers due to the river population loss of riverine habitat and fishing gillnets the gharial come to the brink of extinction and fall in the critically endangered category
loss of habitat because of sand mining and conversion of agricultural depletion of fish resources and determinantal fishing methods continue to threaten the population that has been listed has critically endangered on the IUCN Red list since 2007...... it does not attack humans but apparently does feed on corpses set afloat in funeral ceremonies on the Ganga river.