Economy, asked by sumanth7, 1 year ago

reasons for low productivity in Agriculture in India


Answered by shikhar321
Because of the farmers as they are uneducated and fail to grow plants

cordialabhinandKUMAR: ITS A WRONG QUESTION, productivity is so much that production is left in the fields,because they are not geeting even its cost of production.......
Answered by VishalD
1.Population Pressure

Land is limited, and has almost reached the level where more expansion in cultivated area is not possible. The growth in population creates immense pressure on land.
2. Uneconomic Holdings:

The average size of landholdings in India in 2001 was less than two hectares. One-fourth of the total rural households own less than 0.4 hectare each, while another one-fourth are landless.

3. Uncertain Monsoons and Inadequate Irrigation Facilities:

With more than half of the gross cropped area being rainfed, failure or inadequacy of rains causes fluctuation in yields. Even if the maximum irrigation potential is realised, around 86.5 mHa of gross cropped area will remain under rainfed conditions

4. Subsistence Nature of Farming:

Indian agriculture is characterised by its subsistence nature, i.e., most of the produce is directly consumed by the producers and surplus, if any, is generally low. This is because most Indian farmers, being poor, use outdated implements and technology, and are not able to afford costly inputs. This results in low levels of returns and meagre incomes, which in turn means low savings and low levels of reinvestments. Thus, a vicious circle operates and stagnation in agriculture prevails.

5. Decline in Soil Fertility:

For an agricultural country like India, soil is a precious resource, and degradation- of soil is a serious problem, which leads to depletion of soil fertility. Soil erosion is the main form of degradation which occurs because of deforestation and unscientific agricultural practices like shifting cultivation. Increasing salinity, alkalinity and aridity because of mismanagement and repeated use are other reasons for loss of soil fertility.

6. Lack of Support Services:

This refers to the institutional support factors like support pricing, marketing and credit facilities. These services help create a favourable environment to induce a spirit of entrepreneurship among farmers by absorbing the risks involved in the agricultural activity. These services are particularly inadequate in case of coarse cereals, and pulses.

7. Poor Organisation of Resourdces and Lack of Entrepreneurship:

India has an under­developed agricultural infrastructure and institutions. Conditions of poverty and deprivation and unequal distribution of land resources hamper the evolution of an agricultural entrepreneur class

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