Economy, asked by shreyansraj5070, 9 months ago

Reasons for poor industrial relation in India


Answered by krishi81

Some of the major reasons of poor industrial relations are as follows:

1. Economic Causes

2. Organisational Causes

3. Social Causes

4. Psychological Causes

5. Political Causes.

Employer-employee relations scene is not satisfactory and it is visible from frequent strikes, gherao, lockout and other forms of industrial disputes.

Several economic, social, psychological, technological and political factors are responsible for poor industrial relations.

1. Economic Causes:

Poor wages and poor working conditions are the main reasons for unhealthy relations among management and labour. Unauthorized deductions from wages, lack of fringe benefits, absence of promotional opportunities, dissatisfaction with job evaluation and performance appraisal methods, faulty incentive schemes are other economic causes.

When employers deny equitable and fair remuneration and good working and living conditions to the working class, trade unions agitate and industrial peace is disturbed. Inadequate infrastructural facilities, worn-out plant and machinery, poor layout, unsatisfactory maintenance and other physical and technical causes also contribute to industrial conflict.

2. Organisational Causes:

Faulty communication system, dilution of supervision and command, non-recognition of trade unions, unfair practices, violation of collective agreements and standing orders and labour laws are the organisational causes of poor relations in industry.

3. Social Causes:

Uninteresting nature of work is the main social cause. Factory system and specialisation have made worker a subordinate to the machine. Worker has lost sense of pride and satisfaction in the job. Tensions and conflicts in society break up of joint family system, growing intolerance have also led to poor employer-employee relations. Dissatisfaction with job and personal life culminates into industrial conflicts.

4. Psychological Causes:

Lack of job security, poor organisational culture, non- recognition of merit and performance, authoritative administration and poor interpersonal relations are the psychological reasons for unsatisfactory employer- employee relations.

5. Political Causes:

Political nature of trade unions, multiple unions and inter-union rivalry weaken trade union movement. In the absence of strong and responsible trade unions, collective bargaining becomes ineffective. The union’s status is reduced to a mere strike committee.

The outsiders who become union leaders by making wild promises to workers make excessive demands on employers. When employers do not accept their demands conflicts arise spoiling the employer-employee relations climate in the country.

Poor industrial relations are harmful for all. Industrial conflicts reduce productivity of labour. Quantity and quality of work suffer and costs rise. Industrial discipline breaks down and labour turnover and absenteeism increase. Working class suffers due to industrial decline. They find it very difficult to get improved wages and working conditions. Many of them loose jobs and promotions.

They get frustrated and demoralised. Employers face resistance to changes in technology and organisational structure. Industry, economy and society are interdependent. Therefore, industrial strike has multiplier effect on the economy and society. Social tensions and law and order problems, drinking and gambling and other social evils tend to rise in an atmosphere of poor industrial relations.

If this helps thanks me

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