Reasons why social grants have an impact on unemployment rate and teen mothers
Social grants are increasing in number .
In every country there are several problem come and go but some are always present at a time, like unemployment rate and mother teens.
Youth unemployment is generally called unemployment of youth is defined by the United Nation as 15 -25years old .
Unemployment is defined as a person who don't have a job but is actively seeking work a nd willing and able to work. Youth unemployment rate increasing gradually than the adult rate in every country in the world .
There are some multiple and complex causes behind youth unemployment.
1. from education to employment : they can't study properly, skill crisis
There consequences is we all lost generation ,
2. lack of innovation
3. Incarceration and mortality.
And the solutions is
Must provide proper education , teaching 21st century skills , assistance to youth in the transition to the world of work.
Teen mothers - teenage pregnancy is also known as adolescent pregnancy . It is such type of pregnancy under the age of 20.
If we show the growth rate in 2017 , total 194 ,377 babies were born from women aged 15 to 19 year old. 82% of the teenage pregnancies are not planned.
Just only 38% of teen mothers who have a child before they turned 18 have a high school diploma.
Teenage have a risk of high bp . Risk for the also baby include premature birth and low birth weight.
There are lots of possibility of becoming anemic. Anemic is defined as the reduction of red blood cells .
In short rate of mother teen is increasing day by day because of this they have to suffer several problem.