Recall the names of 5 laboratory acids and bases you have read in class VII. Note down their names in the table given below. Identify the metal or non-metal present in them which forms oxides with oxygen. One example is given in the table below

Acids and Bases
1. Acids
- Acids are chemicals with a sour flavour and corrosive properties.
It makes red on blue litmus paper.
- These compounds have an acidic chemical makeup.
- As an example, citric acid, curd, vinegar, and orange juice.
2. Bases
- Bases are chemicals that taste unpleasant and are slick to the touch when mixed with water.
- It makes blue on red litmus paper.
- These compounds have a fundamental basic chemical makeup.
- An example might be soap, ammonium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, etc.
3. Indicators
- We can't taste everything to determine what it is. As a result, we employ indicators.
- An indicator is a substance that can tell whether something else is basic or acidic in nature.
- By altering their colour, the indicators reveal the presence of an acid or base in a substance. Turmeric, China rose petals, and Litmus, for instance, are some examples of natural indicators. Natural indicators are those that can be found in nature.
- The names of 5 laboratory acids and bases with the metals and non metals present in them which forms oxides with oxygen are:
Acids Non metals
Nitrous acid nitrogen
Acetic acid carbon
Sulphuric acid sulphur
Nitric acid nitrogen
Phosphoric acid phosphorous
Bases Metals
Sodium hydroxide Sodium
Magnesium oxide Magnesium
Calcium hydroxide Calcium
Aluminium hydroxide Aluminium
Potassium hydroxide Potassium
Difference between acids and bases.
Acetic acid in conc. sulphuric acid behaves as