recent developments in technology have transformed peoples interest yes or no essay
Developments in technology over many years have dramatically changed the world that we live in, and some people think that earlier advances in technology have had a greater impact on and been more beneficial to the lives of ordinary people than more recent changes. However, I partially agree with this as the advantages and influences on people’s lives actually depends on the particular area of technology .There is no doubt that some earlier advances in technology have been very influential, such as those related to technology around the home. Devices such as washing machines, fridges and freezers, central heating, microwaves and televisions were invented many years ago, and now nearly every household has all or some of these in their home, making life much easier. Though they have been improved over time, they still carry out much the same purpose as when they were first invented.
Another example is that of medicine. Despite the fact that there have been ground- breaking recent medical developments, such as that connected to research into genes and stem cells, the benefits to the average person are still many years away. The most influential impacts on health have been earlier technological developments of the past, which remain today. These are the ability to treat so many injuries and diseases and carry out organ transplants in hospitals. It is these that have benefits on so many lives and will for decades to come.
However, if we look at some more recent developments, they have had a much greater influence than in the past. For instance, there is the phone, which was a significant development when invented helping many people. However, although invented many years ago, technological developments over the last few decades have enabled the phone to now be mobile and connected to the internet. This has had incredible impacts on the way people Iive their lives with people using phones for so many everyday activities and for connecting around the world.
In conclusion, I would argue that although some older technological developments are important, some new ones are too. The impacts on ordinary people’s lives therefore depends on the type of technology in question.
- The world in which we live has undergone significant change as a result of technological advancements over a long period.
- some believe that previous technological developments had a bigger impact on and were more helpful to the lives of regular people than more recent ones.
- Information is now more widely available, interpersonal communication has improved, and there are more meaningful interactions as a result of technology.
- It has made it feasible for people to get solutions to their concerns even when they are located in other countries.
- Almost every element of modern life is impacted by technology, including access to food, financial inclusion, healthcare, sociability, and productivity.
- It also influences communication, security, transportation efficiency, and safety.