recent movies which influence our youth short paragraph 200 words
Nowadays, movies in some ways affect people lifestyles especially teenagers. Movies are popular among teenagers. Most of the teenagers are influence by the movies and addicted to some illegal activities. This is one of the major problem faces by our country because of the teenager’s behavior. Movies are one of the most entertainments in today world. So that, a question given to me to conduct a survey among movie goers to find out their views on the influence of the cinema on youths today.
2.0 Small introduce about movie
Watching movies increase rapidly. Most of the people addicted to watch movie in cinema, especially teenagers. There are so many advantages and disadvantages about watching movies. The productions spend billions of money to produce and direct a new movie.
2.1.1 Influence of Cinema on Youths today
Movie is well-known among teenagers. Movie affects teenagers in different kind of ways. One of the reasons for the popularity of the movie is that it entertains all types or people, young and old, literate and illiterate. Most of the teenagers watching movies are for relaxations. Sometimes, they feel stress, so that teenagers spending their time in watching movies in cinema. First, movie influence youth negatively and positively. This is because; teenagers will imitate their favourite actor and actress to follow exactly their styles such as, dressing styles, hair style, character of the actor or actress act in the movie, language and so on. Movies affect teenagers in their attitude. Teenagers watch too much movies and its influence their attitude change. They might admire the character, their thoughts, or idea’s. They decide to do the same as them.