English, asked by thecoldsoul, 1 year ago

recently schools have established students council in order to involve them in the running of their institution. State in yoir words what a student's council cam do in your school......write a 300 words eassy on it!!!


Answered by angela36
Middle School Student Council President's Speech
Middle School Student Council president Daniel W. presented this speech during the Election Day assembly on Tuesday, November 5th.

Hello Middle School and Faculty!

My name is Daniel W. and I am running for student council president. I love RSS, and really enjoy being involved in school life. Every year since 5th grade I have played on our sports teams and been a member of student council, and have always wanted to be President. Since 5th grade, I have witnessed strong leaders go through this school and become amazing presidents. I have seen their successes and also their mistakes. I believe that I have learned what truly makes a strong student council and a great president. After so many years of candidates’ campaign pledges, it’s time to face the facts, we will not be getting a toaster. But every promise I make I intend to follow through with.

First, I must admit that I’m too quiet with my ideas. The truth is that I like to take my time when coming up with new ideas, instead of immediately saying whatever comes into my mind. This trait of mine may be due to the fact that when I was a small child my older sister didn’t let me speak a lot. But that’s besides the point. When I share those ideas, it’s because they are really important to me. I have many great ideas, and with the help of the entire student body, I will make these ideas possible.

In the last three years we have improved the winter bash, movie night and, as of last year, we created the advisory half day out. All these projects are great for school spirit, but I believe that the interactions between the student body and the student council still needs some improvement. The point of the student council is to listen to all of your ideas, complaints and suggestions, and try and act on them. The student council can be especially powerful because it is the bridge between the students and the administration. This year, if elected president, I would like to begin monthly meetings which are open to EVERY ONE OF YOU in the middle school. I believe it will be really helpful because it will give non- student council members a stronger voice. This will basically give you the same power as I will have as president, which is why my campaign slogan is "a vote for me is a vote for you". If you vote for me, you are voting to give yourself a stronger voice in the school. I will even try to get pizza brought to these meetings. I will also make sure to have frequent meetings with Mrs. Borenstein to discuss our progress in the council meetings, and our new general student body meetings. This will quicken the process of approving ideas, and will allow for more fun activities to take place.

An issue often brought up in student council meetings is snack sales. We growing people need snacks throughout the day. I know that we all want sweets, and personally, I’m a lollipop and apple juice kind of guy, but unfortunately it's just not possible. BUT I can guarantee a larger selection of snacks. And it gets better! We can start a school store to sell pencils, post its, erasers, and other supplies that we need for school work. This could make all your lives so much easier. Last year, I lost pencils so often, Mr.Glasser made me wear a pencil necklace. Luckily I’ve become more responsible, but it is still good to know I would have a back up plan. We could also sell sweatshirts, tshirts and hats - because who doesn't love RSS clothing?

As I said at the beginning, I love Rodeph Sholom School, and I want to make it the best school it can be. One last thing, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me in this presidential campaign in any way, and also best of luck to the other candidates running for office. Thank you for listening and remember: I am a man of the people and a vote for me is a vote for you. Vote Daniel W. for president!

thecoldsoul: thank you
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