Recently you became aware of a person in your area who quietly does a lot to help members of the community who have problems. However, very few people know about this. You decide to write a letter to your local newspaper to make readers aware of the good work. Write your letter. You must inciude the following:
details about the person and where this good work is done
a description of the good work and how it benefits the community
suggestions for how the newspaper readers could become involved.
at thimes this is entire observation and its good
90, Premier Orchard,
Mall Road,
February 22, 2021
The Editor,
The Local Times
Press Complex, Bhopal
Subject: Spreading the awareness about good work
Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to spread the awareness of good work done by Mr Naresh Shah. He is a professor at MANIT Institute Bhopal and is absolutely helping and caring in nature.
When he found that the unprivileged students of his institute were facing it very hard to pay their fees, he requested the authorities to avail them the scholarships. He also introduced some vocational courses so that students can develop practical skills and become adept at that. It will indeed help them in the long run.
I request the readers to write him to his mail account [email protected] and give their contribution to ongoing noble deeds.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Aarohi Srikant