Recently your exam were conducted. write a letter to your father telling him how you have fared well in your examination. you are rahul/raniof hostel no.1 st. kabir public school, panit
To write : Informal letter
» Format :
- Senders address
- Date
- Dear .....
- Body of letter
- Yours loving ......
- Signature of Sender
» Required letter :
Hostel No. 1
Kabir Public School, Panit
18 November 2020
Dear Father,
How are you ? I'm fit and fine here. Well today I'm writing this letter for telling you about my exams. The question paper was quite easy and I've done every questions. And all the questions was from syllabus only. And I think that this year I'll achieve first position in my class because this year I've worked hard for achieving this. Now I'm trying to achieve first position in the school. Now I'll stop writing this letter. Take care of your health. Give my love to little sister.
Yours loving Daughter
Hostel no - 1
St. Kabir public school
Dear father,
Hope you are well there ? I am also well here. I am writing this letter about my results of school.
Father, our annual exam result had announced yesterday. I ranked 1st position in class. My teacher give my blessings and my mother had proud of me. Mom had made my favourite dish kheer in evening. If you will here I will be also happy
Hope you will come soon.
Your lovingly