recommend three ways in which women and children can be protected from discrimination and violence
The three ways in which women and children can be protected from discrimination and violence are:
1. Treating the men and women of our society equally, giving them equal opportunities to flourish.
2. Setting up active communities to spread awareness about the same.
3. Conducting classes based on equality in school so that children are taught the right values right from their childhood.
Education plays a key role when it comes to dealing with violence and discrimination especially the ones faced by women and children.
Three ways to protect the women and children are:
1) Creating an environment of gender equality. When men and women and are taught that they are human beings first, change begins.
2) Educating women about their rights. Many women stay in an abusive relationship because they are scared of the implications by society and they do not know the rights they are entitled to.
3) Spreading awareness with regard to gender equality and not making villains out of men as they too suffer from patriarchy.