Recommendations of kazmi report?
Tha administrative structure of education in Dammu
and Kashmir before independence uas feudalistic in character.
In the State of Jammu and Kashmir change uas manipulated in
Administrative Policy through various reports on Education.
"An organised department of Education came into existence in
Kashmir in the year 1877 uhen Dr Mahesh Chander Bisuas uas
appointed as Director of Education and a regular inspector
of school uas appointed in September 1889. In 1903-04 the
School Inspection Agency uas strengthened by appointing tuo
Assistant Inspectors of Schools. To improve the inspection
and administration of schools the department uas reorganised
in 1911. Ohe Inspector of School and one District Inspector
of Schools uere appointed for each province and frontier
districts uere kept under a separate District Inspector of
Schools. In 1911 a separate lady Inspector of Schools uas
appointed to look after tha Women*s education. In 1916
services of Sir Henry Sharp, than Education Commissioner of
Government of India uere borroued.