Biology, asked by urfrndaj1996, 1 year ago

red blood cells have no nucleus but why do we call them cell


Answered by vaishu12
  Because they did have a nucleus during their development, they just expelled it at a later stage of this development. They are just enucleated cells..
there is was also twwo tyes of cell
prokayotic and euaryoktic cells
euarkyotes means which has nucleus during development
prokaryotes means which doesn't have nucleus

urfrndaj1996: thnx vaishu....
vaishu12: plz can u mark it as the brainiliest
Answered by july2013
RBCs contains nucleus at certain stage but as it mature it lose the nucleus. It is not necessary that a cell lacking nucleus couldn't call a cell. Presence of the nucleus will arise the problem of oxygen transportation & thus its a enucleated cells..

vaishu12: ur answer is nice
july2013: Thnkx n urs too :)
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