reduce 209/247to it simplest form
11/13 is the simplified fraction for 209/247.
How to Simplify Fraction 209/247 to its Lowest Term?
The below workout with step by step calculation shows how to simplify the fraction 209/247 to its lowest term or simplest form. The below are the two methods used to convert the fraction to its lowest terms.
1. GCD or HCF method
2. Prime factorization method
GCD Method :
step 1 Address the formula, input parameters & values.
Input parameters & values:
The given fraction = 209/247
step 2 Find GCD (Greatest Common Factor) for both numerator & denominator.
The GCF for 209 & 247 is 19
step 3 divide the numerator & denominator by GCD 19 and rewrite the fraction
= (209/19) / (247/19)
= 11/13
Thus, 11/13 is the simplified fraction for 209/247 by using the GCD or HCF method.
Prime Factorization Method :
step 1 Address input parameters & values.
Input parameters & values:
The given fraction = 209/247
step 2 Find prime factors for both numerator & denominator and rewrite the fraction in the form of prime factors
Prime factors for 209 = 11 x 19
Prime factors for 247 = 13 x 19
= (11 x 19) / (13 x 19)
step 3 solve & rewrite the fraction
= (11 )/(13 )
= 11/13
Thus, 11/13 is the simplified fraction for 209/247 by using the prime factorization method
Given: A fraction 209/247
To find: The simplest form of the fraction
Solution: An important step that we do while we solve fractions is to reduce them to the simplest form. Though we reduce them to simplify, the value of the fraction remains unchanged. The reduced fraction is equivalent to the original fraction. In fact, the original fraction and the reduced fractions form a pair of equivalent fractions.
Reducing fractions means simplifying a fraction, wherein we divide the numerator and denominator by a common divisor until the common factor becomes 1. In other words, a fraction cannot be divided anymore by the same whole number other than 1.
Now we need to simplify the fraction.
The greatest common divisor of 209 and 247 is 19. So dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 19, we get = 11/13.
Hence, the simplest form of 209/247 is 11/13.
Answer: 11/13