Reetu is 7 years old now.. Rehan's age is 4 time as that of Reetu before 4 years.
what will be Reetu and rehan's age in 2024?
Reetu is 7 years old now
Rehan's age is 4 time as that of Reetu before 4 years.
what will be Reetu and rehan's age in 2024?
let the present age of reetu be 'x'
let the present age of rehan be 'y'
applying condition (1),
(rehan's age)×4 = reetu's age before 4 years
replacing variables in the above equation
(y) =( x - 4 )× 4
==> y = 4x - 16 .........................(1)
reetu is 7 years old.
replacing value of reetu (x) in equation 1
the current age of rehan is 12 years.
in 2024 the ages of reetu and Rehan would be 4 years greater than their current ages
reetu's age= 7+4=11
rehan's age = 12+4=16
the ages are 11 and 16 respectively.
hope this helps!!
reetu is 7 years old.
replacing value of reetu (x) in equation 1
= 3*4
the current age of rehan is 12 years.
in 2024 the ages of reetu and Rehan would be 4 years greater than their current ages
reetu's age= 7+4=11
rehan's age = 12+4=16
the ages are 11 and 16 respectively.