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- Autocratic rule of the Tsar -In 1905, there was a wave of political and social movements and revolts in Russia demanding democratic rights of the citizens . However, the Tsar suppressed the Revolution violently with his powers. Unarmed protestors were attacked when they went to give a petition to the Tsar . But still there was an effect of the revolt. The Revolution did led to the establishment of the Duma or the Elected consultative Parliament but it was dismissed within 75 days . unfortunately , the second duma formed also ended after 3 months. After the revolution , most committees and unions started to work unofficially as Tsar declared them as illegal and also , he placed severe restrictions on political activities. He never wanted any questioning of his authority or any kind of deduction in his powers , so for the third duma, he changed the voting patterns and packed it with conservative politicians only , leaving the liberals and revolutionaries out.
- Role of liberals and socialists -Liberals in Russia campaigned to end the autocratic rule or the complete governance of the ruler . Together with social democrats and socialist revolutionaries, along with the peasants and the workers to demand a constitution during the revolution of 1905 .
- 1904, a bad year for workers-the year 1904 was particularly a bad one for the Russian workers as the prices of the essential good rose rapidly . this led to the decline in the wages of the workers by 20 percent . Furthermore , the membership of workers' associations also rose dramatically .
- Strike of workers -When four members of the assembly of Russian workers which had been formed in 1904 , were dismissed at the Putilov Iron Works , there was a call for industrial action . Over the next few days, 110,000 workers in St. Petersburg went on strike demanding a reduction in working hours to 8 hours a day , an increase in the wages and improvement in the working conditions.
- B l o o d y Sunday - When the protest of workers led by Father gapon reached the winter palace , it was attacked by the police and the Cossacks . more than 100 workers were put to an end and 300 were wounded in this attack . this incident came to be known as b l o o d y Sunday .
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