English, asked by renug9877, 9 months ago

Refer to a dictionary to find out their meaning and write them on the blank​



Answered by atkinsoninbrazilat


PLease mark me as Brainless


1) verb (used with object), scrubbed, scrub·bing.

to rub hard with a brush, cloth, etc., or against a rough surface in washing.

to subject to friction; rub.

verb (used without object), scrubbed, scrub·bing.

to cleanse something by hard rubbing.

Digital Technology. to fast-forward or rewind in an audio or video file by dragging the progress marker forward or backward across the timeline bar:

Scrub forward through the pregame and start playback from the kickoff.

2) noun

the act of a person or thing that scrapes.

the sound of something being scraped.

Usually scrapings. something that is scraped off, up, or together.

Digital Technology. the process of extracting data from a digital source for automated replication, formatting, or manipulation by a computer program, as in data mining or website data analysis:

3) verb (used with object), wiped, wip·ing.

  • to rub lightly with or on a cloth, towel, paper, the hand, etc., in order to clean or dry the surface of:
  • He wiped the furniture with a damp cloth.
  • to rub or draw (something) over a surface, as in cleaning or drying.
  • to remove by rubbing with or on something (usually followed by away, off, out, etc.):

Wipe the dirt off your shoes. Wipe the dust from the pictures.


  • an implement consisting of bristles, hair, or the like, set in or attached to a handle, used for painting, cleaning, polishing, grooming, etc.
  • one of a pair of devices consisting of long, thin handles with wire bristles attached, used in jazz or dance bands for keeping a soft, rhythmic beat on the trap drums or the cymbals.
  • the bushy tail of an animal, especially of a fox.

verb (used with object)

  • to sweep, paint, clean, polish, etc., with a brush.
  • to touch lightly in passing; pass lightly over:
  • His lips brushed her ear.

verb (used without object)

to move or skim with a slight contact.

5) adjective

  • of a wide range of scope.
  • moving or passing about over a wide area:
  • a sweeping glance.
  • moving, driving, or passing steadily and forcibly on.
  • (of the outcome of a contest) decisive; overwhelming; complete:
  • a sweeping victory.


  • the act of a person or thing that sweeps.
  • sweepings, matter swept out or up, as dust, refuse, etc.
Answered by priyashagarwalindia


Meaning of :

1) Scrubbing : to clean something with soap and water by rubbing it hard, often with a brush.

2) Scraping : to remove something from a surface by moving a sharp edge across it firmly

3) Wiping : to clean or dry something by rubbing it with a cloth

4) Brushing : to touch somebody/something lightly when passing

5) Sweeping : having a great and important effect

I hope it's helpful

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