Math, asked by niteshraibxr16, 4 months ago

refers to an application program
data type appears as a checkbox
4. When drop-down list is to be added to a field, you use
5. Moving a field means to
the order of fields​


Answered by sweety1435688

Step-by-step explanation:

Several different types of data fields can be added to a Form. When you are adding a field, use the dropdown list to select the one best suited for the type of data you wish to collect. The table below lists the available Data Field Types and gives a short description of each.

Field Type Conversions

Once you create a data field, the types of fields into which you can convert it are limited. For example, you can easily convert a Checkbox to a Dropdown List. However, to convert a Dropdown list to a Checkbox, the Dropdown list (Original Field) must be a Yes/No list.

The table below lists the Original Field Type, the Conversion Field Type (the type of field it can be changed to) and the Original Field Requirements (the way the original field must be set up in order for it to be converted).


Data Field Types and Descriptions

Field Type Conversions

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