English, asked by pathanmuskan361, 1 month ago

regular and irregular verbs.
1. sit
19. catch
10. explain
11. postpone
2. act
3. understand
12. inform
20. entertain
21. juggle
22. laminate
13. chase
4. occupy
5. purchase
6. buy
14. is
23. broadcast
15. have
24. put
7. order
16. hear
25. see
8. seek
17. ask
9. delay
18. deliver
Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary verbs are helping verbs. They cannot occur independently​


Answered by krishna4646


5 Fun Activities for Irregular Verbs | Irregular verbs, Verbs list, Verb ...

Verb Forms! Verbs are subdivided into two groups, regular verbs and irregular verbs, on the basis of how their past tense and ...

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Lesson Plan For Lesson 9

Students are able to. 1. identify things and people in a park and what they do,. 2. write the simple past tense form of irregular verbs,.

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