Rehana wanted to write a short story. However, she could not go beyond a few lines. Taking help from the information given below, develop Rehana's story to a logical conclusion. You can invent your own details I was 9.00 am. I was standing at the bus-stand waiting for number 743 bus that could drop quite near my office. Suddenly a young man came from behind, put his hand around my near and disappeared in the crowd..........
It was early in the morning. I took 734 bus and as I reached office . I was about to get down from the bus but suddenly a man pushed me and I felt he did something with my bag in a second and just disappeared within the bus. I shouted and screamed the moment i placed my hand within the bag and found my purse went missing.
All could track down the man and the entire ferocious mob became violent at him. They started beating him. I did not want this. I somehow stopped them. The man was thoroughly injured. I said I will handle my issue and to spare him. He gave my money back and started crying loudly saying he needed some money to do treatment of his ailing father. He needs lot of money and none is ready to borrow him that.
What else he could have done. I gave him instantly what little I had. Tried to convince other passengers to help him. Some said we will but we need to go with him to his house to check if at all he is telling truth. He did not mind. Then quite a few joined him. He thanked me again and again. I felt that was one of the most fruitful day of my life. After all I spent my hard earned money on humanity .