Relation between thermal conductivity and thermal expansion
in first the thermal power conducts n in second it expand
In fact I do not see any reason to look for a correlation between the thermal expansion coefficient and the heat conductvity. The first is related to the non-quadratic nature of the potential function, the second is related to the presence of mobile electrons and/or phonons. Generally "hard" materials exhibit lowet CET and higher heat conductivity, but not necessarily: hard amorphous solids may exhibit lower heat conductivty. "Soft" polymers usually exhibit lower heat conducvitiy and higher CET. Theoretical formulae used to predict composite CET are very much different form the mixture formulae used to predict the heat conducvitiy of the same composites. Therefore, I'm afraid that the tow properties should be optimized independently. Addition of a ceramic surely reduced the CET and increases the heat conducvity, but I do not expect a close correlation.