English, asked by ankitaavanki, 1 year ago

relationship between sociology,anthropology and tourism


Answered by kevinmillet02
Sociology can be defined as the study of the structure, development and functioning of human society. Anthropology is the study of various aspects of human beings within past and present societies. Social and cultural anthropology study the norms and values of society in different eras; linguistic anthropology, on the other hand, helps us study how language helps social life.

Tourism is travel for pleasure or business. This activity can also be seen from the perspective of attracting, accommodating and entertaining tourists or footloose travellers.

There are a lot of tourists across the world, especially in the western world and some in India, who take plenty of interest in the societal and anthropological changes that have taken place in an ancient country like India. In view of this, it should be in our interest to exhibit our tribal societies to the tourists and make arrangements for them to live and travel freely in areas inhabited by those ancient people. The exposure of tourists should not be restricted only to people, but must include showing them artefacts, tools, implements, arms and popular varieties of food.  
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