relationship between the use of technological devices and services and the status of the users of these devices.
Despite all the clichés about the challenges of change, the truth is that it can be difficult for people to accept impactful alterations to the way they do things. This is particularly true in the mode of interaction we have with technology-based products because many of the changes occur in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. As tech gadgets, applications and services start to impact more aspects of our lives, there’s a growing awareness of the potential harmful impact of overusing tech-related products.
Together, these issues point to the fact that we’re entering an interesting a new phase in the relationship that people have with technology. Interestingly, I expect this phase to be significantly more impacted by common traits of human nature than in the past. Why? Because for technology products to continue to evolve, companies who create them are going to have to be more cognizant of how those products either influence or are influenced by human factors that they haven’t had to think much about in the past.
The way that people now think about and interact with technology is changing and successful companies need to be mindful of these new perspectives. Part of the reason for this shifting perspective is the fact that our increased exposure to tech-based products has altered our expectations. Many of the changes we encounter with today’s new tech products are subtle evolutions of existing products and are hard to appreciate. Over time, a collection of these changes can certainly produce a notable difference but in this age of relatively advanced, mature product categories, individual features or new hardware models often don’t make much of an impression anymore.
Of course, sometimes individual products or even features can have an immediate and profound impact—if not on the market overall, then at least with certain subsections of the market. Smart speakers, such as Amazon’s Echo or Google Home, for example, are arguably one of the better recent examples of this phenomenon, as they quickly became a commonly used device in households all over the world.