religion without compassion becomes a burden
To have compassion means to empathize with someone who is suffering and to feel compelled to reduce the suffering. It's a fuller, truer definition than feelings alone, and it's a very biblical understanding.
When religious life, family life, or simply life is meant to be uplifting and sustaining, it can become just yet another part of heavy belongings to carry.
Charles Dickens made a remark about a church meeting that lasted far too long. Dickens interrupted the meeting and said, "I have a suggestion." Why don't we all gather around a table and hold hands, hoping to make contact with the living? We've all attended those meetings.
The same thing happened to Jesus. For the Jewish people of the time, life was a meticulous observance of jots and titles. 600 Every minute, hour, and day, thou shells and thou shall not be marked.