Environmental Sciences, asked by igeibrahim1, 11 months ago

Remedies in agriculture


Answered by aravind2487
The Indian agricultural labor spends his days in dirt and mud. He produces food grains for us but remains hungry himself. He feeds our cows but never gets anything but water. He fills our stores with food grains, but begs his own ration for the whole year. He continuously chops woods and fills water for those who have become rich on behalf of his labor. His condition is heart wrenching and Piteous.
Answered by varunsahoo986
The Indian agricultural labor spends his days in dirt and mud. He produces food grains for us but remains hungry himself. He feeds our cows but never gets anything but water. He fills our stores with food grains, but begs his own ration for the whole year. He continuously chops woods and fills water for those who have become rich on behalf of his labor. His condition is heart wrenching and Piteous.

Suggested Remedies Of The Problems

Distribution of Land

It has always been the effort of the government that whatever additional land is available, it be distributed among the landless. The government has also made efforts to distribute the barren land after making it usable or fertile to theseagricultural labor . It is estimated that till now about more than 10 million agricultural laborers have been provided with land.

Industrialization in Villages

Village industrialization has been given specific importance during the planning period. The object of this program is to reduce the dependency on agriculture and revive the cottage and small industries in villages.

To Spread Education

To solve the various problems and difficultiesagricultural labor education should be encouraged, so that they can restrict the exploitation of landowners, calculate their correct wages and contribute in the revolutions undergoing in agriculture.

Development of Cooperative labor

To improve the conditions of agricultural labor the expansion of labor cooperative societies is being encouraged, but more development is necessary. In government tenders the labor Cooperative Societies are always given preference.

Improvement in Working Conditions

The working conditions of agricultural laborer should be improved. They should be provided rests and vacations.

Regulation of working Hours

Similar, to the industrial laborers, the working hours of agricultural laborers should also be fixed. Additional wage payment system should be there on working for more than the fixed time.

Elimination of slavery

The Indian constitution has declared Agricultural slavery as crime, so that agricultural laborers are not exploited. Its strict compliance is necessary.

Organisations of Agricultural Laborers

Like the industrial laborers, organisations should also be established for agricultural laborers so that the laborers are able to safeguard their rights. Moreover, labor warfare centers should be established by these organisations at the block levels. At these centers, the entertainment and general education facilities should be available for the laborer.

Employment scheme

This scheme was started in 1971 with a view to provide employment facilities to agricultural laborers. It has been implemented by the government in various forms.

Shelter for Landless Laborer

Science 1971, a scheme to provide shelter to landless laborers is going on. The total expenditure incurred on this program is met by the Central Government.

Minimum Wage Act

The Minimum Wage Act of 1984 has also been implemented on agricultural laborers. In the 14th summit of Indian Labor conference, it was decided that the state government can implement the minimum wages anytime. The minimum wages of agricultural labor in various states like – Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka, etc. has already been fixed.

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