Removal of all kind of waste from the body is included under ‘excretion’. Do you agree? Give reasons.
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Yes, excretion is the only process by which all the wastes are removed from our body.
As we know that the human body is made up of cells. During many life activities, several reactions take place inside the human body and these activities are called as metabolic activities. While these reactions takes place waste products are also formed and to remove these wastes the organs as liver, kidney, etc., completely formed the excretory system and the process of removal of these wastes is known as excretion. The waste products formed during these reactions are carbon dioxide, urea, water, uric acid, etc. So uric acid, urea and other metabolic wastes are removed in the form of urine and feces. Also water is removed by sweating.
:-) Hope it helps...
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Excretion is a process of removal of only the metabolic wastes from the body. It removes waste products like carbon dioxide, water, salts, urea and uric acid. Whereas, the process of removing the solid waste which is produced through the process of digestion from our body is called egestion and it is not included under "Excretion" So, removal of all kinds of waste from the body is not included under "Excretion"
Hope it helps : )
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