reopened the rottewing year on
(13th April) in a leap year?
supposed to leave the US?
Simran and Sanjay celebrate their birthdays on
consecutive days. But in the year 2012, they celebrated
their birthdays with one day in between. Guess the dates
on which they were born,
how many days was he in Paris?
Ron Paris from th September to
How many davo ator Christmas is our Remotlic Day
How many days before Christmas is our Independence day?
How many days are there between Pongal (14th January) and Baisakhi
5. Ar Priya's school, the dance classes will be held from Ilth May to 14th July
both days included. For how many days will the classes be held?
Anuj joined swimming classes on 15th May for 45 days.
What is the date of the last class?
The students of Class 5 had their Sports Day on 5th February. If they
started practising 35 days earlier, on what date did the practice begin?
Bharat left for the US on 21st December for 20 days. On what date was he
Answered by
held from Ilth May to 14th July
both days included. For how many days will the classes be held?
Anuj joined swimming classes on 15th May for 45 days.
What is the date of the last class?
The students of Class 5 had their Sports Day on 5th February. If they
started practising 35 days earlier, on what date did the practice begin?
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